Sunday, May 30, 2010

For painless and permanent hair removal try verseo epen

Pens are supposed to be used for writing. However there is a new kind of pen that is used for removing unwanted body hair. It does this with the use of electrical energy. From a personal standpoint I decided to research this product as I was in need of such a device. I discovered the following from my investigation.

The technology that is used in the verseo epen is the same technology that is used in spas and salons for permanent and painless hair removal. How this works is, the pen administers small pulses of electrical current which when applied to the hair roots prevents the regrowth of hair. After the current has been administered hair can be removed with tweezers or simply wiped away.

This is safe to use on any part of the body and the great thing is there are no needles necessary. The biggest plus is that it is a painless process unlike waxing. This device guarentees that you will no longer have to worry about those spa treatments as you will be doing this at home.

The process can be done one hair at a time or you can do a larger patch by using adhesive pads. Hair can only be removed permanently if you kill the cell that produces hair in addition to the growth center or dermal papilla found at the base of the hair follicle. The current from the pen goes directly to this base thereby damaging the roots.The only drawback is that one treatment may not be enough and the process may have to be repeated for permanent results.

The verseo epen does deliver what it claims. The convenience factor cannot be overlooked as you administer the treatment yourself in private, at home.